Small Business Loan With Bad Credit
It isn’t uncommon to find several business owners with less than perfect credit profiles. In recent times, a lot of entrepreneurs have been victims of the economy collapse caused by the real estate market. Investments that went bad triggered higher rates of unemployment, foreclosures, short sales, late payments on credit and many more. However, blemishes on your personal credit report should not rule you out from being able to obtain financing for your business.
At Yendora Capital, we offer loan programs that pay less attention to your personal credit score. Could you qualify for a business loan with a subpar credit profile? Absolutely! We focus on your business’ cash flow. We do not utilize a cookie-cutter approach in underwriting our programs. We focus more on how you’ve been managing you business related finances. So even if you have a recently discharged bankruptcy, been late on a few mortgage payments, or a recent divorce has set you back in your personal life, there is hope.
Unlike traditional bank loans, where any derogatory items on your personal credit would result in an automatic denial, Yendora Capital will work with you to custom tailor a loan program that would assist you in getting your business back on track and ultimately help you restore your poor credit. Some of the strengths we consider are the length of time you’ve been in business, your annual gross receipts, how you’ve handled payments with your business vendors, and a few other things. Since our programs are customized, every applicant is treated on a case-by-case basis. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with financing for your small business.